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Pilates sessions

Pilates is for everyone, whether you have injuries/chronic conditions, aches and pains, want to feel energised and refreshed or want to get stronger and avoid injuries

So what do you get out of working with me?


As a movement specialist, I offer you freedom of movement and ease during your daily activities without pain and any limitations through specialised, bespoke Pilates sessions. Movement should be pain-free and enjoyable, without struggle and stress. This is exactly what I can support you with. By practising Pilates you can improve your day-to-day life with exercises that are enjoyable & fun, and actually make a difference whilst strengthening your whole body. 


Do you have an injury/condition that needs care? With Pilates, you can get back to your pain-free self and relieve any additional tension around your body. Whether you have back pain or just sit too much and get all the tension in your neck & shoulders (I can relate), I can help you.



The benefits of Pilates are endless, which is why it is truly magical:

  • you'll develop increased muscle tone and endurance - this means you'll be able to do more in your given sport (if you play one), and you'll be able to sustain muscular effort for longer without fatigue

  • you'll have a stronger core - your core is really your CORE - the true meaning of the word. Your core muscles (there aren't just your abs by the way) play a huge part in every single daily activity and sport you do, so if you have a strong core that'll help you be better in your sport, and less likely you'll have aches and pains during daily activities such as carrying shopping, hoovering, lifting your kids etc

  • you'll improve your flexibility, mobility and balance - many of us have poor flexibility, which for most doesn't matter, right? How about being able to move more freely and easily when you are out and about? Playing with your children without complaining about your back pain? Just think about those instances in your life when you felt like you were missing something because you were limited by pain. With Pilates, that won't happen again, I can truly tell you this much!


Some of this sounds familiar, doesn't it? Well, it's your choice whether you want to keep suffering quietly or you'll choose to get rid of all this pain (literally)!


How? Read on :)

I can support you with..

Image by julien Tromeur

Back pain (lower back, neck, etc)

Image by Towfiqu barbhuiya

Joint pains like knee, shoulder,

Image by Mehmet Turgut Kirkgoz

Osteoarthiritis (hip, knee, spine etc)

Image by Afif Kusuma

Muscle tension & stiffness (neck/shoulder areas are usual)

Image by Nathan Dumlao

Injury prevention
& rehabilitation

Image by Jakob Owens

performance improvement

Good to know

How long is a session?

  • 1 hour - I believe in slowing down and living at your own pace, and practising Pilates is one of the best ways to create time for yourself that you truly enjoy and look forward to. So slow down and choose to have an hour for yourself!


One-to-one or group sessions?

  • choose private (one-to-one) sessions where you decide the pace and intensity, and the focus is on you, your needs and your goals

  • OR choose duet sessions (two to one) - grab your pair and let's have fun so you can feel amazing together afterwards


  • In the comfort of your own home - I come to you. You only need a mat (I can provide one if you don't have it) and a bit of space, I'll bring everything else (subject to location)

  • OR Studio space - based on arrangement (prices may vary based on studio hire price)

Jo Pilates himself said that you'll start to feel the real benefit of Pilates when practising 2-3 times a week, regularly.

I am here to make this possible by offering 5 & 10-session packages on a discounted price. You can book your sessions ahead and schedule them for when it best suits you (and maybe your friend you'll bring along). You can, of course, use these packages to secure your sessions well ahead if you practice once a week as well.


  • Per session: 

    • Private Pilates/personal training - £85

    • Duet Pilates/training - £107

Image by Brett Jordan

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Based in Walton on Thames, UK

Available online, anywhere


© 2020 Eszter O. Szabo ANutr

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